Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Case for Future Generations

I saw the attached review of I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry in the paper yesterday. I have absolutely no desire to go see this film as the whole premise offends me (and the adults who provided their vox populi views confirmed the film's 1 star credentials), but I did find the opinions of the two children interviewed quite interesting.

I am under no delusions about this film and how it will play on stereotypes, but for Niquita to find the act of two men kissing offensive (I imagine there was no tongue involved) is a fairly US/English perspective on the act. A hongi gets two mens lips fairly close together and is an accepted greeting ritual; in many European cultures, a kiss is just a kiss just as a smile it still a smile; but it's obvious tha mainstream NZ culture still regards the kiss as an exclusively woman-on-man activity.

On the other hand, Latrell's review can be read as a liberal acceptance of differing lifestyles, but can also be read as an acknowlegdement and judgement on the fact that the lifestyle is atypical and, to an extent, abnormal.

I both laughed and sighed when I read these reviews. But my final judgement remains uncertain. Anyone care to comment on the hands in which we are placing the future?

Verdict: Hung Jury

1 comment:

Off-Black said...

It's an Adam Sandler movie. He peaked with that hockey/golf movie.

Enough said.