Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Case for X V

How can a movie bursting with so much thesping talent – nay, thesping ROYALTY! – be bad?  

Well, actually, Patrick Stewart and best pal Ian McKellan return as frenemies Professor X and Magneto, with Huge Jackedman back as Wolverine, Ellen Page as Shadowcat, Anna Paquin as Rogue (she gets higher billing that Page, though she is there for about 2 seconds of screentime compared to Page’s 10 minutes… well, True Blood will do that to you), Halle Berry as Storm (who must get her non geometric cape from the same place Magento goes) and a few others (no spoilers here!) have managed to make a bad film before (X-Men Last Stand anyone?).  But if you combine their acting powers with those of James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender as Professor X and Magneto, the so hot right now Jennifer Lawrence as the so hot always Raven/Mystique and the incandescent Peter Dinklage as Trask… well, surely that will guarantee boffo box office and cinematic success?

And it looks like X-Men: Days of Future Past has!  Not that the screening I was in was particularly full (being a rather pointless 3D session at a rather early time just after a long weekend), but it has got generally good reviews and is seen in some circles as the best X-Men film yet.

Its starts off in the future for a little while for a lot of slam bang wallop, and then goes back to the past for a bit of a slow down, where the X-Men: First Class cast take over.  While Hugh Jackman gets to show off his well developed abs and butt, James McAvoy really takes over the proceedings, grounding and driving the film along.  Along the way, he is outshone by Evan Peters from American Horror Story as Peter/Quicksilver (who steals every scene he is in, and possibly is the best character in the movie), Lawrence and Dinklage too, but then, he is only human.  In the end though, he is the focus and, as a McAvoy fan, I was not unpleased about that.

I won’t go into the plot too much, but it is basically that an evil scientist creates evil robots that destroy mutants in the future so mutants go back to the past to stop him.  There are lots of unexplained bits and pieces (where did future Professor X come from again?  And time travel is always a little dodgy a device) amongst all the little jokes about 70s events and the fashion of the time (looked very comfortable!), and it all moves along at a fantastically brisk pace as there is quite a bit to get through.  Quite why Magneto is so important to the story is never really made clear, and the extent of his powers is both awesome and annoying at the same time – mainly annoying, especially come the final (well one of the final) showdown(s).  

And the Sentinels… well, they look rather dumb, the future versions looking very Thor-robot like and the older versions looking… not terribly 70s.  Ah well.

So… that’s about all I can go into really as I don’t want to give away too much (besides the after the credits trailer which is all about Apocalypse though its rather pointless for all that hype), save to say that the 3D was utterly pointless even though the visuals were spectacular.

Verdict: X-Men: Days of Future Past is more X-Men: First Class than X-Men: Last Stand, and thank Xavier for that!  Fast, witty, action packed, and all those great actors!  Definitely worth the entry fee, if not the extra from the 3D.  9 X marks the spot out of 10.

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