7) This was my plane from Hong Kong to Frankfurt, an older style Boeing 747 with no “personal entertainment system”. I did love the acknowledgement of 50 years of partnership with Boeing, as I supposed they couldn’t really claim to be in partnership BEFORE that...
8) In the British Museum, in the more empty Asian part of the diplays, was this fantastic statue and its enlightening explanation: one of the judges to the underworld. Good to know that Judges have jobs in the afterlife.
9) Again in the British Museum, the child in me comes out, as does the need to take a photo of a statues butt.
10) Flying from Newcastle to Paris, I was somewhat surprised when the plane took a detour over Heathrow airport. I am sure there is some logic lying behind adding more traffic to the skies above what is the busiest airport in the world.
11) At a roadside diner on the way to Normandy, I had to try the andouillette sausage, a reputed local delicacy and what turned out to be rather potent tripe (with chips). The Coke just off to the side was used to help wash it down. I was assured that non-roadside andouillete would taste a bit better, but I was not game enough to try out. Oh, and the spoon is wickedly bent, though you can’t really see that in the image.
12) I think this one more or less speaks for itself. Yum. Not that I had any...
13) Graffiti, French style on the coast between Normany and Brittany. “Never forget” D Day it says. Well, it doesn’t. It actually says “Nevvver forget” – so much for the French education system, unless it’s a tourist adding some foreign colour.
14) The Parisiens call them like they see them: no need to Step Up, just go with the sex angle. And yes, that is part of a reclining woman at the bottom of the image, as I took this in Montmartre, near the red light part.
15) This display in Switzerland may have been meant to inform, but the fact the stuffed animals are all prowling above the drinks stand just kind of gave me the wiggins.
16) A more common sight in Switzerland – well stereotypical perhaps: cowbells adorning a local home.
17) This one may speak for itself. If it does not, check out the duckies’ funky hairdos. And there were no local signs to explain why the bouffant was back in mode this season.
18) Not my Singapore Airlines flight on the way home. This Airbus340 was on the way to Melbourne. I kinda wanted to be on it, just to say I had been on one. Maybe one day.
Verdict: Is it you or is it me? Probably just me, but I will share these with you anyway. More photos out of many.
1 comment:
Certain Lufthansa personnel would have had a partnership with Boeing products prior to 1960 (especially between 1942-45), but I'm not sure you could call it a productive one. More of a love-hate relationship really...:) old joke: English/American pilot is landing at a major german airport for the first time, and asks for taxi directions on the ground. The tower asks if he has been here before and he replies "yes, in 1943 but I was a bit busy and didn't stop!"
Most of the traffic around airports is well below cruising height, so the airspace at cruise directly above Heathrow is probably no more or less crowded on average than any other airway.
Nice to see poor graffiti spelling is not just limted to english.
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