You know what they should do every year? Perhaps even every month? Have a Rocky Horror Picture Show screening at the Embassy. The reason I say that is because I went to a screening at the end of May, and I was absolutely blown away by the number of men and women who like to parade around in town dressed up in suspenders, feather boas, and ridiculous amounts of make up.
I was not so bold myself, as I was really not terribly sure how the whole thing would turn out. So I got dressed up in some Brad Major-esque duds (basically, my normal clothing really), and headed into Wellington to see what other Wellingtonians would make of it.
And what was made was an absolute mess. I was not quite sure how interactive this version would be, considering the beautiful state of the Embassy, but the Embassy staff themselves were selling bags of water pistols, pop corn, toilet paper, noise makers and news paper for those who had forgotten to bring al
I sat next to a particularly chatty Rocky Horror veteran of many raucous screenings and with a wardrobe crammed full of character costumes. Her enthusiasm was almost overwhelming, so much did she have to say and so little did I have to prompt her. She had indoctrinated her daughter into the Unconventional Conventionist way of life, and was there with her daughter’s like minded friends. They hooted and howled and stood up and sung – as did everyone really, all with much abandon.
The only thing that let the team down (which was kind of a point in my favour, considering my own rather reserved participation), was the obvious lack of knowledge of the “official” interactive script . Yes, there is at least one (a link to one here), even if during an actual screening and recitation, it is almost impossible to make out the words. I have not memorised the entire script myself, truth be told, but there are certain (fairly simple) smidgeons that I retain. And it was evident that there were others in the audience who knew different tracts than myself, but it was also evident that there were very few of us within the crowd.
And you know what would solve this criminal under-education? More regular Rocky Horror Picture Show screenings! I await in antici…
Verdict: Always heaps of fun if you can let yourself go with the flow. Don’t dream it; be it. 10 sweet transvestites from Transsexual, Transylvania out of 10.
There's a big Rocky Horror night in Saskatoon too... I'm pretty sure they make it a big event at the Broadway Theatre on Halloween, and everyone dresses up in costume and throws tomatoes at the screen and acts in generally ridiculous ways. Lots of fishnets and red lipstick too. I've never been, but I have friends who have and it actually looks like a blast. Heh. I should go.... I'm sure that if I went I'd be quivering with antici........... pation.
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